Progress Update 12

Now that the production stage of our coursework has been completed by each member, it is time to move onto the evaluation of the our products. The review page, completed by myself, poster completed by Jake and Short film completed primarily by Morgan but also by Jake and myself.

Before we move onto the next stage of the coursework. I feel as though I need to clear something up. Morgan Glover-Evans has drastically overstated his role within our group. He has labelled most of the tasks with his own name which is perfectly fine concerning the tasks that he did complete. Despite labeling the text for the review page with his own name, he seems to be ignorant to the fact that I went through this text many times, proof reading it, editing it with my own words, removing sections that were not necessary and adding in others which were. I then spent hours taking the time to chose the font and re-write it out and fitting it into the correct position for the review page etc.

Furthermore, I also feel as though he has not appreciated the work that Jake and myself have put into this project. For example, he never once credited me for the amount of time and money I put into the production of the short film, on each occasion we went out filming, I used my car to drive us all and the equipment from location to location. In total, somewhere in the ball park of 50-75 miles, and not having any contribution from the other group members to the petrol or parking costs along the way.  Jake also feels the same way I do about Morgan taking responsibility for the majority of the tasks without even asking or speaking to us first. I think what I am trying to say is, Jake and I are just tired of Morgan taking credit for things that would not have even been possible without us and then not giving us any credit for it.

Despite this slight negative, I strongly believe that my group and I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating this short film and its ancillary products.


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