Task Delegation

For the upcoming evaluation stage, I thought that delegating tasks to our four group members was the best way to ensure a most productive and efficient workflow. After speaking with members of the group, we decided on this structure:

  • Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and conventions of real media products.
    • To be completed by: Morgan Glover-Evans
    • Reason for delegation: I focused on conventions the most during the research and planning, and as such feel as though I can make the most detailed presentation on the subject.
    • Planned method of presentation: Prezi Next.
  • Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks? 
    • To be completed by: All of Us
    • Reason for delegation: I was more than happy to cover the gaps in the evaluation, especially because I felt as though I was the main source of guidance for our brand identity. ]
    • Planned method of presentation: Blog Post
  • Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback? 
    • To be completed by: Oliver Wain
    • Reason for delegation: Olly was selected for this evaluation task as I feel as though his lack of input in the audience research stages early on can be covered by considering our results at the end of production. 
    • Planned method of presentation: Podcast (may very well change to something more conventional)
  • Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
    • To be completed by: Jake Foulkes
    • Reason for delegation: Jake's been focused on technologies for a majority of the course. 
    • Planned method of presentation: Powerpoint
I'm happy with these selections and feel as though all of these tasks play to our strengths


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